Lithuanian American Business Association in Los Angeles
Connect Lithuanian professionals in Los Angeles and its environs within business, high tech, education, culture, medicine and other fields to host networking collaboration as well as partnerships with Lithuanian governmental and NGO institutions and other Lithuanian professional clubs around the world with a mission of making Lithuania a better place to live for everyone thru exchange of ideas, knowledge and know-how.
What We Do
LABA.LA is a non-profit, independent Lithuanian American Business Association based in Los Angeles open to ALL professionals motivated to create, share, innovate and build bridges between the USA and Lithuania to streamline exchange of ideas and to create possibilities for partnerships.Our strategic focus areas are:Film Industry
Life Sciences
Team Leads
Birutė, Darius, Eleonora, Jonas, Kęstas, Martynas, Monika, Snaiga, Solventa, Sonata, Vaiva, Vytas
We are a humble team of professionals
You + us = awesome. Reach out to us!
© 2022
Terms & Conditions